Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Lucy's home!!!!

Hi everyone,

Lucy is home and we're all a little turned around.  We had a little party from about 1-3am including formula, pizza, music and lots of cooing and smiling.  She's now asleep again on my bed (bad habits start really quick) and I am awake.   The Ethiopia trip was wonderful in many ways the biggest of course is Lucy.  I stayed at the care center and received Lucy the morning after I arrived.  She was quite obviously loved (and I would venture to say favored) and well cared for at the center.  Lucy is very social, smiles, laughs and talks a lot.  She goes from happy and content to "starving" in about one second ... it's pretty funny.  Lucy isn't doing a lot of physical moving yet, not rolling, sitting or putting weight on her legs but I am confident this will all come with time and encouragement.  Lucy and I visited a few sites in Addis Ababa, she hung out in the baby bjorn (thanks Deb!).     In Ethiopia we were stopped everywhere with people commenting on what a beautiful baby she is ... ohhhh babies do connect people!   Lucy was kissed by dozens of school children at the national museum ... they all wanted to kiss her hands and touch her ..it was really cute.  Lucy seems healthy in most ways, I have some concerns and questions for the doctor but nothing warranting any emergency or anxiety.   When Lucy is on a normal schedule she wakes up about once a night to eat and be changed.    We are happy to be back and I will send you some photos soon!  Love Stacy and Lucy

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