OK ... I know that at each stage of my time with Lucy, I have ADORED that particular age ... but I am here to say that 15 months, by far my favorite! She's just prelingual, you know that age, where she knows some words and knows that language exists, she wants desperately to communicate ... she just needs to do so creatively. During those moments when I am 'present focused' I can totally figure out what's going on. Tonight we experienced a little game of charades. First, what does it mean when a baby walks from one end of the room to another, systematically going from one "no" to another? Sounds like "uper moored" ... that's right "super bored" ... she was bored and needed to be engaged in more appropriate activities. How about this ... she's whining, she's falling apart, shes standing at the kitchen gate and shaking it ... looking at my and screaming??? Sounds like "whack" ... YUP, SNACK! Ahhhh usually I head these things off before they happen, tonight, I was tired. I wanted to zone out and my darling daughter was having none of that! She does have another real word "banana" ... clear as a bell, we were at Whole Foods and she says baaaaaaanaaana ... and grunts, and sure enough sitting beside us, a whole lovely table full of bananas, needless to say, the girl got a bunch of bananas! OHHHH and another success, today's lunch and dinner were successfully ate WITHOUT INJERA!!! I didn't tell you that we had a little addiction to injera and pancakes at our house ... all food had to be on injera or be a pancake or it was wholeheartedly refused!