Sunday, October 29, 2006

meeting people

In the past couple weeks Lucy and I have met several families in person who we previously only "knew" through the CHSFS adoption forum.  What fun!!!  We met one family who are in the midst of their home study (hope the wait goes fast).  We met two families from the forum.  We caught up with a couple families we have previously met.  What socialites we are!  Saturday night was so much fun, surrounded by beautiful Ethiopian babies and toddlers, plus a couple beautiful bio-preschoolers (funny calling them bio-preschoolers). Lucy continues to be overnumbered by little boys in her life, so we were beyond excited to hear that our good friends S, R, H & M are officially starting the process on the adoption of another Ethiopian girl H!   I was also able to talk to my friend N who lives out of state,  I was so wishing that she was just going to show up at the gathering Saturday night.  When she wasn't there I was disappointed!   Lucy is still having some symptoms of her cold that never ends.  We (Lucy and I, and our clothes) are really really tired of snot.  

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