Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Crime Lab

Well today was fingerprinting day ...  I learned a couple of things:  1. The city hall building downtown Mpls is beautiful (i had never made it out of the basement before).  2. Brian Coyle was the first openly gay Mpls City Council member, and he died of aids ...  (I just thought he was the builder of a community center).  Funny what you learn when you read plaques. 3.being surrounded by marble and stained glass makes me speak in hushed tonesand 4. the crime lab doesn't seem that exciting.

When asked for hair color, Jen and I decided that the best answer is to put the color the hair looks like on that day (rathar then the color it may be naturally). 

Oh, it's so much more fun to write about this then to start thinking about the group I am about to lead. 

more later .... Stacy



Anonymous said...

I was thoroughly disappointed by how boring the Crime Lab was.  I was hoping to see some CSI investigators running around.  It could be a new CBS show CSI: Minneapolis.  

Writing in your blog is much more fun than listening to the people on my conference call.


Anonymous said...

I too was hoping the the crime lab would be more exciting....oh well.  You are on your way to becoming a mommy......see you tomorrow.....