Monday, May 2, 2005

baby names

Hey everyone ...  Thanks for reading the blog and for your continued support.  I am just getting more and more excited.  I have come up with a list of my favorite names for girls and boys.  I welcome your input on these names ie. whether you like them or not.   In parenthesis are the simple meanings for the names.   Girls:  Lucy (light), Ruby (gem), Eileen (light), Helen (light).   Boys:  Simon (it is heard), Franklin (free man), Leonard (lion like), Bryant (strong, honorable), Jonah, Oliver. 

Think spring!


Anonymous said...

I hate the name Bryant.

Anonymous said...

I have some votes for you.

The cubettes have voted for the following:

4 votes for Lucy
1 vote for Helen

2 votes for Simon
2 votes for Oliver
1 vote for Bryant

My vote is:

Lucy and Franklin/Oliver