Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I forgot to tell you all about the baby, the TV and Jen.  Last night, over dinner ... I was pondering how to arrange the house (post baby) in my head when it occurred to me that I had decided (and forgot) that we were going to move the tv downstairs after the baby comes.  I callously mentioned the idea to Jen and for a brief moment I was worried that seizures might ensue.  "But we love the tv" she said, tears welling up in her eyes.  I tried to comfort her by mentioning the tv she'd have in her room, and that we'd still have tv downstairs but at first it was no use.  Then she uttered words that I never, never thought I'd hear her utter ... "well, I guess we could get rid of cable ..." this is when I almost lost it ...   will keep you posted

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I can't have the TV than no one can have the TV!!!